Wedding Gifts
232 productsGift Tips for the Newlyweds
What to buy as a gift for the wedding couple? We have gathered all the most popular wedding gift ideas under one category to make it easier for you to find a memorable gift. Popular gift ideas for the wedding couple are, for example, a wedding album, a wedding frame, silverware and crystal objects. A large part of the products can be engraved.
You can find a versatile selection of beautiful wedding gifts in Laatukoru online store!

Silverware as a Gift for the Wedding Couple
For hundreds of years, silver cutlery has been a part of Finnish dining tables, and therefore silverware as a wedding gift is quite a traditional and valuable gesture. Where silverware used to indicate the wealth of the host family, today they are above all objects of use, but also objects of collection. A complete silverware set can include up to 80 pieces.
The selection of our online store includes Kultakeskus silverware and several popular series, such as Chippendale, Musla, Tähkä, Suomi, Virta, Tapio and Romantiikka. Silverware traditionally decorates the setting of the festive table, but you can use them just as well in everyday life. Silver cutlery brings dignity to festive moments and a sense of luxury to Sunday lunch. In any case, silverware should be kept in regular use, because that way they retain their brightness the best. As a wedding gift, silver cutlery is a stylish and timeless gift that will stay with the wedding couple during their mealtimes throughout their lives.
Champagne Glasses for the Bride and Groom
In addition to silverware, our selection of wedding gifts includes beautiful champagne glasses and wine glasses. Champagne and wine glasses are sold in pairs and have different stems, such as Swarovski crystal stems, pewter stems, and silver-plated stems. Our selection also includes a cognac glass with a pewter foot that belongs to the series. Champagne glasses are a great wedding gift idea for later parties, but they also come into their own at the wedding party as champagne or champagne glasses named by the bride and groom. The pair of champagne and wine glasses is also special because most models can also be engraved.
A Beautiful Ring Holder as a Wedding Gift
If you are looking for a practical and beautiful wedding gift, in addition to silverware, you should also get to know ring holders. The ring holder keeps the wedding rings when they are not on the finger, and at the same time it is a beautiful decoration on the bookshelf or bedside table. In the selection of our online store, you can find various tinned ring holders. The selection includes, for example, a dog, elephant and swan themed ring holders. When you put the ring on the long neck of, for example, a tinned decorative swan, you will find it in the same place in the morning to be put back on your finger. The advantage of the ring holder is that the rings do not lie on the tables getting scratched and, in the worst case, lost.
Wedding Albums and Frames Capture Important Pictures
The classics of wedding gifts are probably the wedding album and the wedding frame, where you can save the wedding photo and the star moments of the wedding celebration. Our online store has several beautiful wedding frames and wedding albums to give as gifts. Typically, a wedding frame is decorated with two rings representing the wedding couple's rings, but there are also models decorated with, for example, pearl ornaments or gemstones, as well as completely stripped frames for a more minimalist style. Wedding frames have 1-3 picture slots and their material is typically metal. However, for those looking for a more valuable wedding gift, there are also silver frames in a timeless and reduced style.
Tapio Wirkkala Design Products as a Wedding Gift
Tapio Wirkkala is a Finnish designer and sculptor who is considered a leading figure in the modern art industry. As a versatile designer, the products designed by Tapio Wirkkala include glass products designed for Iittala, banknotes designed for Suomen Pankki and also Koskenkorva and Finlandia Vodka bottles. In the selection of our online store, you can find products made of Wirkkala stainless steel, such as bowls and candlesticks. In our silver products, Tapio Wirkkala's handprint is represented by the Tapio table silver set. Tapio Wirkkala's products are design products that are well suited as wedding gifts, especially for wedding couples who value Finnish design.
Wedding Gifts and Engravings from Laatukoru
In our online store you can find a comprehensive selection of wedding gifts, such as silverware, frames and albums, ring holders and designer items. Most of our wedding gifts can also be engraved, and you can have it done conveniently when ordering. If it is possible to have engraving on the product, you will find a text field on the product's order page where you can leave the desired engraving text. Check out our selection of wedding and wedding gifts and choose the best gifts for the wedding couple!